Sunday, May 06, 2012

Pandeism asks: How powerful is your Creator?

If you believe that ours is a created Universe, then there is only one question to ask.

Is the Creator in which you believe powerful enough to set forth the Universe as we experience it, in every particular while needing do nothing more than set forth the energy of this Universe and the governing dynamics which control the behavior of that energy?

Is it powerful enough to initiate a Universe where everything which we experience comes to pass -- stars, planets, the origin of life, the rise of complex ecosystems, the rise of intelligent life, machinery, technology, and social institutions -- by doing no more than causing the Creation?

Is it powerful enough to bring about our experience of our world without needing to interfere again, after the moment of Creation?

If the Creator in which you believe is not this powerful, then it is inferior to one which is.

Now, you may claim that it has such power, but that you believe it has continued to intervene....

But if it was powerful enough to bring about our Universe in every particular without intervening... that would include bringing about the appearance of intervention where there is none.

And you may claim to believe your Creator has told you otherwise....

But if it was powerful enough to bring about our Universe in every particular.... that would include bringing about your belief that you have been told things -- even when you have not.

And you may claim to believe your Creator would not mislead you....

But every faith has its own holy books and sacred traditions. And though these contradict and conflict with one another, most of their adherents share the conviction that theirs is the only truth, and that their Creator would not mislead them.

But if our Creator was powerful enough to bring about our Universe in every particular, without intervening in any way after the very moment of Creation.... that would include bringing about your belief, and everyone else's competing belief that you would not be mislead.

But then, there is the Creator discerned by the theological theory of Pandeism....

The pandeistic Creator is not only powerful enough to bring about our Universe in every particular --including the existence of intelligent life and all of our beliefs and traditions--through nothing more than a singular transformative moment of Creation....

It has actually done this!!

And this accounts for our Universe in every particular, including all beliefs to the contrary.

Naturally, you may yet deny that this theological model fully accounts for every aspect of our Universe....

You need only confess that your God lacks the power to set forth our Universe in such a manner.

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